Informationen für Ärzte
Karpinski K, Plachel F, Gerhardt C et al (2024) Comparison of Patients’ and Surgeons’ Expectations before Shoulder Arthroplasty. JCM 13:3489.
Kimmeyer M, Hees T, Allaart L et al (2024) Latissimus dorsi transfer or lower trapezius transfer: a treatment algorithm for irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears muscles transfers in posterosuperior rotator cuff tears. JSES International:S2666638324003761.
Kimmeyer M, Hees T, Buijze G-A et al (2024) High Vertical and Horizontal Stability at Short-Term Follow-Up After an All-Endoscopic Double Cerclage Endobutton Technique for Acute Acromioclavicular Joint Separations. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery:S0749806324002536.
Kimmeyer M, Lafosse L, Lafosse T (2024) All-Endoscopic Treatment of Acute Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation: Coracoclavicular Double Cerclage EndoButton Technique and Acromioclavicular Stabilization Using the Coracoacromial Ligament. Arthroscopy Techniques:103038.
Kimmeyer M, Rapp K, Rentschler V,[..],Gerhardt C, Lehmann LJ (2024) Comparative study of two different horizontal stabilisation methods in arthroscopically assisted coracoclavicular stabilisation for acute acromioclavicular joint dislocations—Good clinical outcome and no correlation to recurrent anteroposterior instability. Knee surg sports traumatol arthrosc:ksa.12374.
Kirschbaum S, Gerhardt C, Akgün D et al (2024) Fascia lata allograft: a suitable alternative in ligamentous reconstruction for chronic elbow instability? JSES International 8:1137–1144.
Lafosse T, Garcia JC, Lafosse L, Kimmeyer M (2024) Comprehensive Endoscopic Brachial Plexus Release for Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Including Suprascapular Nerve Release and Scalenotomy. Arthroscopy Techniques:103237.
Lehmann L-J, Schmalzl J (2024) Scapulafrakturen. Unfallchirurgie 127:69–78.
Macken AA, Buijze GA, Kimmeyer M et al (2024) Lateralising reverse shoulder arthroplasty using bony increased offset (BIO-RSA) or increasing glenoid component diameter: comparison of clinical, radiographic and patient reported outcomes in a matched cohort. J Orthop Traumatol 25:20.
Moroder P, Karpinski K, Akgün, [..], Gerhardt C et al (2024) Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation–Enhanced Physical Therapist Intervention for Functional Posterior Shoulder Instability (Type B1): A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Physical Therapy 104:pzad145.
Aurich, M., Lehmann, L.-J., Farkhondeh-Fal, M., Kircher, J., 2023. Das Schulter- und Ellenbogenregister der DVSE – Trendbeobachtung oder Frühwarnsystem?: Eine literaturbasierte Analyse. Orthop. 52, 472–478.
Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.-J., 2023. Ellenbogenfrakturen: Wo kann die Arthroskopie Hilfestellung leisten? Arthroskopie 36, 88–95.
Kimmeyer, M., Frank, S., Rentschler, V., Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.J., Schneider, M., 2023. Vom Surfbrett in die Psychiatrie – Fallbericht eines Patienten mit adhäsiver Kapsulitis und kurzzeitiger Glukokortikoidtherapie. Obere Extrem. 18, 45–48.
Kimmeyer, M., Schmidt, E., Rentschler, V., Graf, A., Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.J., Schmalzl, J., 2023. Frakturfolge Typ 2 des proximalen Humerus – klinische Ergebnisse nach endoprothetischer Therapie. Obere Extrem. 18, 30–36.
Kimmeyer, Michael, Schmalzl, J., Rentschler, V., Jessen, M., Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.-J., 2023. Functional results and unfavorable events after treatment of proximal humerus fractures using a new locking plate system. BMC Musculoskelet. Disord. 24, 63.
Kimmeyer, Michael, Schmalzl, J., Rentschler, V., Schieffer, C., Macken, A., Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.-J., 2023. Correct positioning of the calcar screw leads to superior results in proximal humerus fractures treated with carbon-fibre-reinforced polyetheretherketone plate osteosynthesis with polyaxial locking screws. J. Orthop. Traumatol. 24, 54.
Kimmeyer, Michael, Schmalzl, J., Schmidt, E., Graf, A., Rentschler, V., Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.-J., 2023. Surgical treatment of fracture sequelae of the proximal humerus according to a pathology-based modification of the Boileau classification results in improved clinical outcome after shoulder arthroplasty. Eur. J. Orthop. Surg. Traumatol.
Lehmann, L.-J., Lill, H., 2023. Frakturfolgen am proximalen Humerus. Obere Extrem. 18, 1–2.
Moroder, P., Gerhardt, C., Patzer, T., Tauber, M., Wellmann, M., Scheibel, M., Boileau, P., Lambert, S., Porcellini, G., Audigé, L., 2023. Shoulder Pacemaker Versus Conventional Physiotherapy For Treatment Of Functional Posterior Shoulder Instability - A Multicentric, Prospective, Randomized Controlled Trial. J. Shoulder Elbow Surg. 32, e256–e257.
Moroder, P., Karpinski, K., Akgün, D., Danzinger, V., Gerhardt, C., Patzer, T., Tauber, M., Wellmann, M., Scheibel, M., Boileau, P., Lambert, S., Porcellini, G., Audige, L., 2023. Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation–Enhanced Physical Therapist Intervention for Functional Posterior Shoulder Instability (Type B1): A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Phys. Ther. pzad145.
Schmalzl, J., Graf, A., Habarta, J., Gilbert, F., Kimmeyer, M., Jessen, M., Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.J., 2023. Ist die Boileau-Klassifikation für Frakturfolgen des proximalen Humerus noch aktuell? Obere Extrem. 18, 3–10.
Tauber, M., Hoffelner, T., Lehmann, L., Kraus, N., Scheibel, M., Moroder, P., 2023. Prospective Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial of Surgical Versus Nonsurgical Treatment for Acute Rockwood Type 3 Acromioclavicular Injury. Orthop. J. Sports Med. 11, 23259671231190411.
Karpinski, K., Plachel, F., Gerhardt, C., Saier, T., Tauber, M., Auffarth, A., Akgün, D., Moroder, P., 2022. Different expectations of patients and surgeons with regard to rotator cuff repair. J. Shoulder Elbow Surg. 31, 1096–1105.
Kimmeyer, M., Rentschler, V., Schmalzl, J., Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.J., 2022. Frakturanalyse, Indikation zur Endoprothese und Implantatwahl bei proximaler Humerusfraktur. Unfallchirurgie 125, 671–680.
Lehmann, L.-J., 2022. Gold, Silber oder Bronze für Endoprothesendokumentation. Orthop. Unfallchirurgie 12, 63–64.
Lehmann, L.-J., Scheibel, M., 2022. Vorzeitigem Prothesenversagen vorbeugen: Trends in der inversen Schulterendoprothetik. Orthop. Unfallchirurgie 12, 14–19.
Leschinger, T., Tischer, T., Doepfer, A.K., Glanzmann, M., Hackl, M., Lehmann, L., Müller, L., Reuter, S., Siebenlist, S., Theermann, R., Wörtler, K., Banerjee, M., 2022. Epicondylopathia humeri radialis. Z. Für Orthop. Unfallchirurgie 160, 329–340.
Schmalzl, J., Graf, A., Gilbert, F., Kimmeyer, M., Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.-J., 2022. Locked fracture dislocations of the proximal humerus: postoperative results and a proposed modification of the classification. Eur. J. Orthop. Surg. Traumatol. 32, 683–692.
Schmalzl, J., Graf, A., Kimmeyer, M., Gilbert, F., Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.-J., 2022. Treatment of avascular necrosis of the humeral head – Postoperative results and a proposed modification of the classification. BMC Musculoskelet. Disord. 23, 396.
Schmalzl, J.,Walter, H., Rothfischer, W., Blaich, S., Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.-J., 2022. GIRD syndrome in male handball and volleyball players: Is the decrease of total range of motion the turning point to pathology? J. Back Musculoskelet. Rehabil. 35, 755–762.
Schneider, M.M., Moursy, M., Gerhardt, C., Kimmeyer, M., Rentschler, V., Lehmann, L.J., 2022. Latissimus-dorsi-Transfer in modifizierter Single-incision-Technik nach Herzberg und Beschreibung einer arthroskopischen Erweiterung. Oper. Orthop. Traumatol. 34, 55–70.
Thiele, K., König, L., Kerschbaum, M., Hedgecock, J., Paksoy, A., Scheibel, M., Gerhardt, C., 2022. Clinical outcomes after refixation of subacute repaired distal biceps tendon ruptures. JSES Int. 6, 523–529.
Gerhardt C., Hollinger B., Rzepka D., Lehmann L.J. (2021) Totalendoprothese bei Cubitalarthrose. In: Müller L.P., Loew M. (eds) Ellenbogen. Meistertechniken in der operativen Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Michael Kimmeyer, Lars-Johannes Lehmann, Christian Gerhardt, Jonas Schmalzl (2021) Development and function of a natural reverse shoulder in a patient with thalidomide-induced dysmelia, JSES Reviews, Reports, and Techniques, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 60-64.
Karpinski K, Plachel F, Gerhardt C, Saier T, Tauber M, Auffarth A, Akgün D, Moroder P. (2021) Differences in Patients' and Surgeons' Expectations before Shoulder Stabilization Surgery. J Clin Med., 10(20):4661.
Lehmann L., Picht S., Uschok S., Gerhardt C. (2021) Plattenosteosynthese bei der Olecranonfraktur. In: Müller L.P., Loew M. (eds) Ellenbogen. Meistertechniken in der operativen Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Leschinger, T., Tischer, T., Doepfer, A. K., Glanzmann, M., Hackl, M., Lehmann, LJ., Müller L., Reuter S., Siebenlist S., Theermann R., Woertler K., Banerjee, M. (2021). Epicondylopathia humeri radialis. Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie.
Schmalzl J, Piepenbrink M, Buchner J, Picht S, Gerhardt C, Lehmann LJ. Higher primary stability of tuberosity fixation in reverse fracture arthroplasty with 135° than with 155° humeral inclination. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jun;30(6):1257-1265.
Schmalzl J, Piepenbrink M, Buchner J, Picht S, Gerhardt C, Lehmann LJ. Tensioning device increases biomechanical stability of tuberosity fixation technique with cerclage sutures in reverse shoulder arthroplasty for fracture. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 May;30(5):1214-1221.
Treatment of avascular necrosis of the humeral head - Postoperative results and a proposed modification of the classification. Schmalzl J, Graf A, Kimmeyer M, Gilbert F, Gerhardt C, Lehmann LJ. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022 Apr 27;23(1):396. doi: 10.1186/s12891-022-05338-1.
Latissimus dorsi transfer with a modified single-incision Herzberg technique and description of its arthroscopic advancement]. Schneider MM1, Moursy M2, Gerhardt C1, Kimmeyer M1, Rentschler V1, Lehmann LJ1 Operative Orthopadie und Traumatologie, 04 Feb 2022, 34(1):55-70
Schmalzl J, Jessen M, Gilbert F, Gerhardt C, Lehmann LJ. Proximal humeral fracture morphology in patients with advanced cuff tear arthropathy: an observational study in a surgically treated cohort. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2021 Apr;31(3):517-524.
Schmalzl J, Graf A, Gilbert F, Kimmeyer M, Gerhardt C, Lehmann LJ. Locked fracture dislocations of the proximal humerus: postoperative results and a proposed modification of the classification. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2021 Jun 5.
Schmalzl J, Walter H, Rothfischer W, et al. GIRD syndrome in male handball and volleyball players: Is the decrease of total range of motion the turning point to pathology? Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2021 Dec.
Schmalzl, J., Gerhardt C, Lehmann LJ. “Dreidimensionale Planung und Verwendung patientenspezifischer Instrumentierung (PSI) in der Schultertotalendoprothetik Arthroskopie 34, 358–365.
Schmalzl, Jonas, Jessen, M., Gilbert, F., Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.-J., 2021. Proximal humeral fracture morphology in patients with advanced cuff tear arthropathy: an observational study in a surgically treated cohort. Eur. J. Orthop. Surg. Traumatol. 31, 517–524.
Schmalzl, Jonas, Piepenbrink, M., Buchner, J., Picht, S., Gerhardt, C., Lehmann, L.-J., 2021. Tensioning device increases biomechanical stability of tuberosity fixation technique with cerclage sutures in reverse shoulder arthroplasty for fracture. J. Shoulder Elbow Surg. 30, 1214–1221.
Schmalzl, Jonas, Piepenbrink, M., Buchner, J., Picht, S., Gerhardt,C., Lehmann, L.-J., 2021. Higher primary stability of tuberosity fixation in reverse fracture arthroplasty with 135° than with 155° humeral inclination. J. Shoulder Elbow Surg. 30, 1257–1265.
Malik Jessen, Christian Gerhardt, Lars-Johannes Lehmann, and Jonas Schmalzl Severe Heterotopic Ossification with Proximal Entrapment of the Ulnar Nerve following Primary Anterior Shoulder Dislocation Case Report in Orthopedics Volume 2020 |Article ID 8883758 |
Jana Willin, Jonas Schmalzl, Lars Lehmann & Christian Gerhardt Elbow stability after simple elbow dislocation Obere Extremität volume 15, pages295–300(2020)
MichaelKimmeyer MDa Lars-JohannesLehmannMDa ChristianGerhardtMDa JonasSchmalzlMDab Development and function of a natural reverse shoulder in a patient with thalidomide-induced dysmelia JSES Reviews, Reports, and Techniques
Schmalzl,…, J Buchner, S Picht, C Gerhardt, LJ Lehmann Tensioning device increases biomechanical stability of tuberosity fixation technique with cerclage sutures in reverse shoulder arthroplasty for fracture - Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surg 2020 – Elsevier
Schmalzl,…, J Buchner, S Picht, C Gerhardt, LJ Lehmann Higher primary stability of tuberosity refixation in reverse fracture arthroplasty with 135° than 155° humeral inclination Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surg 2020 – Elsevier
Schmalzl ,J. Gerhardt,C. Lehmann LJ. Three-dimensional planningshoulder arthroplastyJ une 2020 Obere Extremität and use of patient-specific instrumentation (PSI) in total
Schmalzl, J., Jessen M., Gilbert F., Gerhardt C., Lehmann LJ Severe heterotopic ossification with proximal entrapment of the ulnar nerve following primary anterior shoulder dislocation Case Reports in Orthopedics.
Schmalzl, J., Jessen M., Gilbert F., Gerhardt C., Lehmann LJ Proximal humeral fracture morphology in patients with advanced cuff tear arthropathy – an observational study in a surgically treated cohort European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology
Schwyzer HK, Marzel A, Wirth B, Rickenbacher D, Flury M, Schoch C, Tauber M, Rzepka D, Lehmann L, Lichtenberg S, Magosch P, Habermeyer P, Audigé L.Schwyzer HK, et al. Short-term safety, function, and quality of life in patients treated with Univers Revers prosthesis: a multicenter 2-year follow-up case series. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 May 20:S1058-2746(20)30155-5.
Schmalzl, J., Jessen M., Gilbert F., Gerhardt C., Lehmann LJ.Proximal humeral fracture morphology in patients with advanced osteoarthritis – an observational study in a surgically treated cohort. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2020 June 10.1177/2309499020944114
Schmalzl J, Jessen M, Holschen M, Cohen BC, Steinbeck J, Lehmann LJ, Den-ard PJ. Tuberosity healing improves functional outcome following primary reverse shoulder arthroplasty for proximal humeral fractures with a 135° prosthesis. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2020 Mar 11
Schmalzl J, Jessen M, Sadler N, Lehmann LJ, Gerhardt C. High tuberosity healing rate associated with better functional outcome folling primary reverse shoulder arthroplasty for proximal humeral fractures with a 135° prosthesis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020 Jan 16;21(1):35
Schmalzl J, Plumhoff P, Gilbert F, Gohlke F, et al. (2019). The inflamed biceps tendon as a pain generator in the shoulder: A histological and biomolecular analysis. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery.
Mohamed Moursy, M.D.; Jonas Schmalzl, M.D.; Aditya S Kadavkolan, M.D.; Niko Bartels; Lars-Johannes Lehmann, M.D
Latissimus dorsi transfer for massive posterosuperior rotator cuff tears - what affects the postoperative outcome? Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
Do the radiological changes seen at mid term follow up of stemless shoulder prosthesis affect outcome?
Mohamed Moursy; Milan Niks, MD; Aditya Sai Kadavkolan, MS, DNB; Lars J Lehmann, MD BMSD-D-19-00368
Arthroscopic fracture treatment of the shoulder joint.
Gerhardt C, Lehmann L. J.
Orthopade. 2018 Jan 9. doi: 10.1007/s00132-017-3512-5.
Gerhardt C, Lehmann LJ. Arthroscopic fracture treatment of the shoulder joint. Orthopade. 2018;47(2):148-157
Schmalzl J, Niks M, Moursy M, Scharf HP, Lehmann LJ
. 8 year follow up after scapulectomy in a neonate with congenital Ewing sarcoma of the scapula. J. Shoulder Elb. Surg. 2018;
Schmalzl J, Sadler N, Feucht M, Gerhardt C, Lehmann LJ (2018) Monteggia-like lesions. Obere Extrem. doi: 10.1007/s11678-018-0485-x
Gilbert F, Meffert RH, Schmalzl J et al (2018) Grade of retraction and tendon thickness correlates with MR-spectroscopically measured amount of fatty degeneration in full thickness supraspinatus tears. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 19:197. doi: 10.1186/s12891-018-2096-5
Moroder P, Plachel F, Huettner A, Gerhardt C, et al. The Effect of Scapula Tilt and Best-Fit Circle Placement When Measuring Glenoid Bone Loss in Shoulder Instability Patients. Arthroscopy. 2018;34(2):398-404
Lingner M, Seidling R, Lehmann LJ, Mauermann E, Obertacke U, Schwarz MLR. Osseointegrative effect of rhBMP-2 covalently bound on a titan-plasma-spray-surface after modification with chromosulfuric acid in a large animal bone gap-healing model with the Göttingen minipig. J Orthop Surg Res. 2018;13(1):219
Kraus N, Hann C, Gerhardt C, Scheibel M. Dynamic instability of the acromioclavicular joint: A new classification for acute AC joint separation. Obere Extrem. 2018;13(4):279-285
Moroder P, Plachel F, Huettner A, Gerhardt C, et al. The Effect of Scapula Tilt and Best-Fit Circle Placement When Measuring Glenoid Bone Loss in Shoulder Instability Patients. Arthroscopy. 2018;34(2):398-404
Kadavkolan, A.S., Lehmann, L.-J., Reichert, M., Lattka, K., Moursy, M., 2017. Does Acromion Morphology Depend on the Extremity or on Gender in the Population?: J. Comput. Assist. Tomogr. 41, 121–124.
Lehmann, L. ‑J., Schmalzl, J., Moursy, M., Rzepka, D., 2017. Skapulothorakaler Rhythmus, Skapulasporn und Incisura-scapulae-Syndrom. Arthroskopie 30, 179–188.
Lehmann, L.-J., Wiedemann, E., 2017. Skapulafraktur, in: Schulterchirurgie.Elsevier, pp. 557–581.
Lehmann, L., Englert, C., Habermeyer, P. (Eds.), 2015. Die Scapula: fachübergreifende Diagnostik und Therapie scapulaassoziierter Verletzungen und Erkrankungen, 1. Aufl. ed. Elsevier, Urban & Fischer, München.
Lehmann, L.J., Loosen, G., Weiss, C., Schmittner, M.D., 2015. Interscalene plexus block versus general anaesthesia for shoulder surgery: a randomized controlled study. Eur. J. Orthop. Surg. Traumatol. 25, 255–261.
Lichtenberg, S., Magosch, P., Lehmann, L.J., Habermeyer, P., 2015. 5-8 Year Results of Stemless Humeral Head Replacement: A Prospective Two-Center Study. J. Shoulder Elbow Surg. 24, e116.
Saier, T., Imhoff, A.B., Lehmann, L.-J., 2015. Nervenengpass-Syndrome und Nervenschädigung, in: Die Scapula. Elsevier, pp. 147–169.
Beickert, R., Panzer, S., Geßmann, J., Seybold, D., Pauly, S., Wurm, S., Lehmann, L., Scholtysik, D., 2016. Begutachtung des Rotatorenmanschettenschadens der Schulter nach Arbeitsunfällen. Trauma Berufskrankh. 18, 222–247.
Seidling, R., Lehmann, L.J., Lingner, M., Mauermann, E., Obertacke, U., Schwarz, M.L.R., 2016. Analysis of the osseointegrative force of a hyperhydrophilic and nanostructured surface refinement for TPS surfaces in a gap healing model with the Göttingen minipig. J. Orthop. Surg. 11, 119.
Lehmann, L.J., Moursy, M., Cafaltzis, K., Lederer, C., 2014. Langzeitresultate nach arthroskopischem SLAP-Repair. Obere Extrem. 9, 38–44.

Prof. Dr. Lars-Johannes Lehmann

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Assistentin des Klinikdirektors
Angela Donecker
Sekretariat Prof. Lehmann
Telefon 0721 8108-3754
Telefax 0721 8108-2658